Sunday, May 11, 2008


How does one go about this? How do you begin the process of opening up your brain and exposing it to others. Will it confirm how truly odd I am? Will people pass by and simply be not interested? Why am I doing this? Am I an attention whore? Will this fill the need I have for a place to post my scribbles? The clean ones at least.

I'm just a housewife, a mom, a teacher. There is nothing extraordinary about me or my life. What I do have going for me is that I am a truly passionate person. I do nothing half-assed. I either do it well or not at all. Those I choose to befriend or love know that I will go to the ends of the Earth to support them or any thing I deem worthwhile.

I'm curious as to whether I'll keep this updated. This is not my usual form of exposure.

I hope that this will be a positive place as opposed to the bitch-fest I can see it easily becoming. Wish me luck!

Currently I'm loving

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